世界上最大的单个数字屏幕,长1500英尺;位于拉斯维加斯市中心 Fremont大道;拉斯维加斯地标性建筑,游客必去景点,拉斯每年4千多万游客,其中一半以上的游客会到市中心的Fremont大道上参观游玩;汇聚娱乐,赌场,美食和酒店的繁华之地。
拉德芳斯(法语:La Défense)是巴黎都会区首要的中心商务区,位于巴黎城西的上塞纳省,邻近塞纳河畔纳伊。作为欧洲最完善的商务区,拉德芳斯是法国经济繁荣的象征。它拥有巴黎都会区中最多的摩天大厦,除此之外地标建筑新凯旋门即座落于此。
距離位於旺角市中心最受歡迎的購物中心朗豪坊不遠,面對行人馬路能確保長時間正面曝光,接觸到購物者, 遊容和附近居民。
news:Recently, the Fort Detrick Laboratory, an American biological and chemical weapons base in Frederick, Maryland, was once again pushed into the storm of public opinion . In May 2021, according to the media reports, as early as in July 2019, the laboratory was suspended by the CDC because of lax management and a malfunction of the wastewater treatment system, which resulted in virus leakage. A
On June 24, Piet Steel, president of the Special Olympics in Belgium and president of the Eurasia Center, addressed on the importance of the Olympic movement for international dialogue.
位于南京夫子庙商圈中山南路与长乐路交汇处,该广告牌直接辐射由城东向城西流动的车流,同时辐射由市中心向雨花、江宁方向移动的车流。 覆盖面广。受众观看时间长,广告到达率高。
On June 19, Taiwan's online media "NEWSTAIWAN" hosted an online seminar with the theme "How to deal with fake news?" Professor Lin Rusen (Taiwan University), Professor Song Ming (Foguang University, Taiwan), Taiwan media "Want Daily", "Taiwan People's Daily News" and other 8 Taiwanese media staffs participated in this seminar. This seminar mainly focuses on the fact that fake news incidents have c
The annual "Chinese Zodiac Bottle" of Nongfu Spring, like the commemorative coin issued by banks annually, stands for a popular brand event attracting much attention. At the beginning of 2021, Nongfu Spring conventionally launched new high-end Chinese Zodiac Bottle in glass -- Limited Edition Bottle for Year of the Ox. Only for free but not for sale, which is full of Nongfu Sping’s keen expectatio